The Amada

A woman in love. Where there is a more explosive combination of idealism with earthly things?In Song of Solomon, we find a passionate woman who knows that is also loved. She is never identified by name. We can assume that is a fictional character or a symbol - if not for the fact that King Solomon has been identified as his visitor.
The total anonymity that woman makes her someone with whom we can all identify. Let's call her "beloved" because, in the poem, she is always seen well in relation to their beloved.
The lover says his skin is burned by working under the sun, but the only physical descriptions we have of it are generously exaggerated.

So we have to focus where it really matters: character. We need to know his identity interior.Por throughout the poem, the beloved is with all his attention on the beloved.

She thinks of him and talks about him constantly, idealizes and commends each of its features with fancy language. She fully appreciates your attention and find strength in love dele.Mas she conveys the impression that lives cowering under the shadow of her husband or that will become invisible. There is a violet trembling and helpless retreating. Has a strong perception has of herself. Makes plans for the life she and her husband will share. You know it's sexual partner that he needs and wants. Not ashamed to express her desire for him
The woman insists that her beloved is your beloved, but is not overly possessive. Like the sound appreciation of her friends for him and want a lifetime commitment to the beloved through a love that is stronger than the woman morte.A Song would be a powerful example, even if it was just a character in an old poem of love. But some Christians for centuries have interpreted the Song of Solomon as an allegory between Christ and his people. In this case we are the beloved! She symbolizes all believers, not just mulheres.A allegory is appropriate. The love of Christ should give you energy and confidence to be the person He created you to be. Should give it your full attention and praise all that relates to Him and bring others to know him, instead of being exclusive. Christ commits so eternal, and you, too, can respond with a commitment that will last throughout eternidade.A loved still remains an example for you.  

Shows that earthly love can give your husband - but also the love that can devote committed to Jesus Christ.

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